Amsterdam Road in Tower Hamlets E14 comprises 162 properties - the vast majority are residential (the total number of homes in Amsterdam Road is 156). The following information concerning properties in Amsterdam Road comes from third-party data, data and comments which have been sent in by the general public. There is a wealth of property market information on which you might find useful, including valuation estimates for every property in England and Wales and the data we hold on every postcode district in our area guide section.

The most recently recorded transaction in Amsterdam Road was 83, which sold on 21/12/2016 for £340,000. The least expensive house purchase in Amsterdam Road is 57, which sold on 01/05/1998 for £20,000. The property sale that has the highest recorded price in Amsterdam Road to date is Flat 27 Van Gogh Court, which sold on 20/03/2015 for £550,000. For more detailed information on house price related stats, graphs and trends, see the Tower Hamlets area guide on the website.